Pastuarized Sugarcane mixed jelly
Pasteurized Sugarcane juice mixed jelly made from recommended by the Institute of Food Research. Kasetsart University Therefore, jelly, pastuarized sugarcane with exotic flavors. Soft and more Not sticky aroma teeth. Unlike typical coconut Which is the first manufacturer in Thailand. It will produce 5 kg and 180 c.c.
Pasteurized Sugar Cane Juice mixed Jelly size 180 cc.
Product's Name: Pasteurized Sugar Cane Juice mixed Jelly size 180 cc.
Product's Type: Finished Goods
Component: Pasteurized Sugar Cane Juice 80%, Jelly 20%
Chemical property: pH 5.4-5-7, 12-14°Bx (degrees Brix ; the sugar content of an aqueous solution)
Packing Unit: Bottle (with cover)
Size(WidexLength): Radius 5 centimeters, Height 14 centimeters
Net Volume: 180 cc (Cubic Centimeter)
Net Weight: 11 grams (collected packaging)
Shelf Life: 7 Days within 4 degrees Celcius
Pasteurized Sugar Cane Juice mixed Jelly size 5 Kilograms.
Product's Name: Pasteurized Sugar Cane Juice mixed Jelly size 5 Kilograms.
Product's Type: Finished Goods
Component: Pasteurized Sugar Cane Juice 80%, Jelly 20%
Chemical property: pH 5.4-5-7, 12-14°Bx (degrees Brix ; the sugar content of an aqueous solution)
Packing Unit: Bag (Closed system)
Size(WidexLength): Width 46 centimeters, Length 128 centimeters
Net Volume: -
Net Weight: 5,000 grams (collected packaging)
Shelf Life: 7 Days within 4 degrees Celcius
Sugar Cane Jelly size 1 Kilograms.
Product's Name: Sugar Cane Jelly size 1 Kilograms.
Product's Type: Finished Goods
Component: Sugar Cane Jelly 100%
Chemical property: pH 7.5-7.8,
Packing Unit: Bag (Closed system)
Size(WidexLength): Width 20 centimeters, Length 25 centimeters
Net Volume: -
Net Weight: 1,000 grams (collected packaging)
Shelf Life: 10 Days within 4 degrees Celcius